Archive for 2008

Play AVCHD discs on your computer

Posted by Flo in Tricks on December 23rd, 2008.
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If you buy a High Definition (HD) camera, there’s a big chance that the output format will be AVCHD. The only way to maintain this HD quality is to write it on a disc in this format, but you will need a compatible player (blu-ray) to play it on your television. The problem starts when you want to play these discs on you computer. If you search the web, you will find websites where they tell you that buying expansive software is the only way to view the movies on these discs on you computer. This is, however, not true. In this guide I will tell you how to play AVCHD discs on you computer legally for free.


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Vuze (Azureus), torrents for the masses

Posted by Flo in File sharing, Open Source on December 14th, 2008.
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Over a year ago I stopped using Vuze, then known as Azureus, as my torrent client. This was simply because my computer stopped responding to every input when I was using it. A few months ago I noticed that they’ve changed Azureus into Vuze, so I downloaded it again to test it. I can assure you that the name isn’t the only thing that changed…


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Time Wasters of the month December 2008

Posted by Flo in Offbeat on December 5th, 2008.
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In this dark time of the year, boredom can hide in every shady corner, so here are 5 games to amuse yourself. Four of them are free, and one costs money, as usual, but I decided to make some of them christmas flavoured (some of them even cozy) with the holidays coming up. Enjoy!


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Install tar.gz packages with a file in Kubuntu

Posted by Flo in Tricks on November 17th, 2008.
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Installing tar.gz packages with a file in it isn’t the hardest thing to do when using Kubuntu, but if you always use deb packages, like me, it can take a while before you have found a way to install them. When you have found out how it works, you have a chance to run into a little permission problem that probably only occurs when using Kubuntu. So here’s my guide for unexperienced users how you DO install these packages in Kubuntu.


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Advanced WYSIWYG editor Open Bexi Creative

Posted by Flo in Open Source on November 15th, 2008.
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Coding html websites isn’t the hardest thing there is, but not everyone has the time to learn it, and that’s why WYSIWYG html editors exist. If you aren’t looking for a perfect looking website, you can even use word for this, but if you want to have an editor designed to make html websites, you’ll need something like frontpage. Unfortunately, this software isn’t the cheapest software around, so I’ve looked for some free alternatives and OpenBexi Creative is one of them.


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Rip flash videos with RealPlayer

Posted by Nick in Tricks on November 13th, 2008.

RealPlayer makes ripping flash videos from the internet even easier than before. No more copying a link into a different website, just click and download.


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Google’s worl… web domination

Posted by Flo in Websites on November 12th, 2008.
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With the coming of Google Chrome, Google’s brand new browser, you can let your digital life (and parts of your life outside it) be fully controlled by Google. If you need a map because you don’t know the way: Google Maps, if you want to view some videos: Youtube or Google Video, your e-mail? Gmail of course… your pictures? Picasa… chatting? With Google Talk… Only information on sites like Wikipedia seemed to be free from Google’s supervision (unless you search for it with Google’s famous search engine), but with Chrome, you can even view that with the help of Google software…


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Tag your music the right way with Kid3

Posted by Flo in Open Source on November 11th, 2008.
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Tagging music is quite useless for the average computer user since you would not even notice the difference. But if you want to distribute music, have a music collection or if you are a member of, you may need to have every song tagged correctly. When you use the windows XP system, this may take ages. You need to search for the correct tags on the internet and tag each file seperately. That is… until you download Kid3.


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Transcoding everything to everything with MediaCoder

Posted by Flo in Open Source on November 10th, 2008.
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Like I stated in my post about online converting, there are a lot of different file types out on the internet, and this can cause trouble, especially when you download music for your mp3 player.This problem is there because most mp3 players don’t even support a common used extension as wma. So if you want to listen to those files on your mp3 player, you need to convert them to mp3. This is possible with some internet services, but these services won’t let you convert a large amount of files at once. This is where MediaCoder can help you. It can convert nearly every file type into nearly every file type, it can convert a lot of files at once, and most important: it’s free.


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Time Wasters of the month November 2008

Posted by Flo in Offbeat on November 4th, 2008.
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You sometimes have some spare moments in life. What better way to fill those moments with some time wasting games? Every month I will select 5 games that are perfect for this: 4 that are free to play, and one great game that costs a little money. This months headliners will be Fable 2 ,I’ve been waiting for this title a very long time, and Quantum Legacy, a free browser based multiplayer RTS.


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