Coding html websites isn’t the hardest thing there is, but not everyone has the time to learn it, and that’s why WYSIWYG html editors exist. If you aren’t looking for a perfect looking website, you can even use word for this, but if you want to have an editor designed to make html websites, you’ll need something like frontpage. Unfortunately, this software isn’t the cheapest software around, so I’ve looked for some free alternatives and OpenBexi Creative is one of them.
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Advanced WYSIWYG editor Open Bexi Creative
Posted by Flo in Open Source on November 15th, 2008.Nov
Tags: editor, frontpage, website, wysiwyg
1 Comment (50,827 views)
Google’s worl… web domination
Posted by Flo in Websites on November 12th, 2008.Nov
Tags: engine, google, search, website
With the coming of Google Chrome, Google’s brand new browser, you can let your digital life (and parts of your life outside it) be fully controlled by Google. If you need a map because you don’t know the way: Google Maps, if you want to view some videos: Youtube or Google Video, your e-mail? Gmail of course… your pictures? Picasa… chatting? With Google Talk… Only information on sites like Wikipedia seemed to be free from Google’s supervision (unless you search for it with Google’s famous search engine), but with Chrome, you can even view that with the help of Google software…
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