Archive for the ‘Site news’ Category

Internetspotter back in action

Posted by Flo in Site news on October 19th, 2009.
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After a big wordpress problem, internetspotter is back alive.


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Installing NVIDIA drivers in Kubuntu

Posted by Flo in Site news, Tricks on August 17th, 2008.
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When installing my NVIDIA drivers on Kubuntu Hardy, it came to me that this wasn’t as easy as it probably should be. I use the word probably because I use a quite old graphics card, and Kubuntu automatically seems to install the drivers for the newest cards. However it may be, I had some problems with it, and when solving these problems, I saw that it is possible to install your NVIDIA drivers in a better way than just letting Kubuntu fix this. Here’s a quick guide (with a small troubleshooting section that you can use when you boot into the command line interface) how to install your NVIDIA drivers on Kubuntu the “easy” way.


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We’re finally up!

Posted by Nick in Site news on February 14th, 2008.

All righty then, our first Wordpress blog is up and running! It took us a while to figure things out, this being our first weblog, but we finally made it.


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