In this dark time of the year, boredom can hide in every shady corner, so here are 5 games to amuse yourself. Four of them are free, and one costs money, as usual, but I decided to make some of them christmas flavoured (some of them even cozy) with the holidays coming up. Enjoy!
(more...)Posts Tagged ‘waster’
Time Wasters of the month December 2008
Posted by Flo in Offbeat on December 5th, 2008.Dec
Tags: free, games, time, waster
1 Comment (6,271 views)
Time Wasters of the month October 2008
Posted by Flo in Offbeat on October 2nd, 2008.Oct
Tags: free, games, time, waster
You sometimes have some spare moments in life. What better way to fill those moments with some time wasting games? In this new (hopefully) monthly topic, I will select 5 games (of which 4 are free to play) which can fill up that spare time in a great way.
(more...) 1 Comment (13,673 views)