Archive for January, 2009

Install source code in tar.gz packages in Kubuntu

Posted by Flo in Tricks on January 25th, 2009.
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If you’re the administrator of your Kubuntu installation, you probably have to install a program or two. The most popular applications are installable through the adept package manager, but sometimes you’ll need something that’s only distributed in tar.gz source packages. If you’re lucky, there’s a file in it, otherwise this guide may come in handy…


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Internetspotter’s Quick Guide to Usenet Part 1: Connecting to Usenet

Posted by Flo in File sharing on January 3rd, 2009.
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One of the fastest and safest ways to get your files is through usenet. The only problem for a lot of people is that it’s quite hard to use, so I’ve planned to make 3 easy, step by step, guides that will open the doors to usenet for everyone who takes the time for it. In this first part I’ll show how to connect to usenet, in the second part I’ll show how you find and download files and in the third part I will explain how you can repair and make your files ready for use. This post is part 1 of the guide: connecting to usenet.


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Time Wasters of the Month January 2009

Posted by Flo in Offbeat on January 1st, 2009.

First of all the best wishes for 2009. I hope you’ve still got your fingers after the fireworks, you’ll need them for this month’s time wasters. Let’s start off…


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