After installing Kubuntu Hardy, I noticed that I could scroll through the login screen. This is because Kubuntu’s xserver gives you the option to add some virtual space around your screen, so everything is bigger, and you can scroll to the things you want to see. The problem is that I didn’t want this virtual space. So here’s a quick guide how to repair this problem (a lot of people seem to have it).
(more...)Archive for September, 2008
Fix your Kubuntu login screen resolution
Posted by Flo in Tech, Tricks on September 13th, 2008.Sep
Tags: Kubuntu, Linux, OS, Ubuntu
No Comments (9,793 views)
Peazip: a multifunctional archiving tool
Posted by Flo in Open Source, Tech on September 10th, 2008.Sep
Tags: archives, compressing, extracting, files
A long time ago, and I mean a VERY long time ago, my worst fear was only to be able to get certain files in a rar format, because I wasn’t able to open them. That is, untill I got WinRar, but it kept nagging me that I should buy the full version. Of course I didn’t like that, so I stopped downloading rar files. That is, until about a year ago when I started to download through usenet, where everything is distributed in rar archives. So I tried to find a better free tool with less irritations than WinRar. This is how I found PeaZip, and it gave me a reason to start downloading rar files again.
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