Posts Tagged ‘Open Source’

Time Wasters of the month November 2008

Posted by Flo in Offbeat on November 4th, 2008.
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You sometimes have some spare moments in life. What better way to fill those moments with some time wasting games? Every month I will select 5 games that are perfect for this: 4 that are free to play, and one great game that costs a little money. This months headliners will be Fable 2 ,I’ve been waiting for this title a very long time, and Quantum Legacy, a free browser based multiplayer RTS.


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Create icons with VariIcons

Posted by Flo in Open Source, Tech on February 24th, 2008.
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While making this site, we felt the need for a favicon. So we needed an .ico file. Since photoshop and paint both can’t produce icon files, I began my search for a useful icon editor. After quick search on sourceforge, I found VariIcons, which looked quite nice, so I gave it a try.


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