Archive for April, 2008

Refile, a fast renamer

Posted by Flo in Open Source, Tech on April 28th, 2008.
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Sometimes you just need some files to be used or played in a specific order. For example, on (old) mp3 players, your songs will be played in alphabetical order, not the order in which you’ve put them in the map. This problem also occurs when you want to burn files in a specific order, most burning apps just sort them alphabetically. The quickest solution to this problem is to add numbers in front of the songs, listing them in the right order. Doing this by hand would take ages, but luckily Refile can do this for you in no time, for free. Yes, free, some people want $30 for their bulk renaming tools.


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Weekly Album #5: MGMT’s Oracular Spectacular

Posted by Flo in Music, Weekly Album on April 24th, 2008.
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MGMT is most definitly one of the most promising bands at the moment. When I first heard their “Time to Pretend” I really found their music quite interesting, I’ve never heard something like that before. Their music is original, full of feeling and above all, incredibly stoned. Oracular Spectacular is their first album, and it really is a great debut.


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Online converting

Posted by Flo in Tech, Websites on April 12th, 2008.
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When sharing information through the internet, nothing is more irritating than people who share information in uncommon formats, or let’s say: formats that you don’t use. Through the years, this problem has grown worse because every OS has it’s own text software that creates his own filetypes, his own media software that creates his own media extensions, etc. The best solution would be an open format that every platform should support, but that would damage some important monopoly positions, and who is going to decide which format is used? This is why there’s only one solution to the compatibility problem: converting from one format to the other. There’s some nice software to do this on the web, but the easiest software isn’t (spam)free, and you need quite some applications to be able to convert everything to anything. Luckily, web based convertors provide a better solution.


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Weekly Album #4: Gorillaz – Gorillaz

Posted by Flo in Music, Weekly Album on April 5th, 2008.
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It’s quite some years ago that Gorillaz have released this self-named album, but it is still great, with songs like “Clint Eastwood” and “19-2000” that were great hits and made them the best virtual band there is. Yes, virtual, because the band only exists as the toon-figures Noodle, Russel, 2D and Murdoc who impersonate the whole team of great artists behind them.


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