Archive for March, 2009

Asian Kung-Fu Generation – Mada Minu Ashita Ni

Posted by Sandstorm in Reviews on March 15th, 2009.
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Asian Kung-Fu Generation has had quite a productive year in 2008. They recorded and published a very good album in March and later on released an additional mini-album (or EP) in June and a second concept album in November. I got the last two albums in November and listened to them a lot of times, and now, after nearly 5 months I’ve found the time to write the review for one of them: Mada Minu Ashita Ni


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Winamp, the best media player around?

Posted by Flo in Freeware on March 12th, 2009.
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At the moment, the most popular media players are definetely Windows Media Player and iTunes. Nevertheless, Winamp is also a pretty big player in this market and until a little while ago I was really sure that Winamp was the best media player around. But now VLC has made me think twice about that. However, I still have a few arguments why Winamp is the best mediaplayer, and not VLC…


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Time Wasters of the Month March 2009

Posted by Flo in Offbeat on March 4th, 2009.
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There wasn’t a lot of time for me last moth to write some posts, but here’s the next Time Wasters, just so I won’t mess with the tradition. I hope I can post some more Internetspotter-like posts this month.


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