Posts Tagged ‘rock’

Observations of a Newly Found K-pop Addict

Posted by Sandstorm in Music, Offbeat, Uncategorized on February 6th, 2013.
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K-pop. Since Psy took over the world with Gangnam Style everybody knows the genre once reserved to Asians and the odd Westerner. While the vast majority of the newly reached audience only enjoyed the biggest Youtube hit ever, some, including me, dove deeper into the wide world of Korean Pop and got hooked. This is my account of acquiring a new addiction.


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Weekly Album #5: MGMT’s Oracular Spectacular

Posted by Flo in Music, Weekly Album on April 24th, 2008.
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MGMT is most definitly one of the most promising bands at the moment. When I first heard their “Time to Pretend” I really found their music quite interesting, I’ve never heard something like that before. Their music is original, full of feeling and above all, incredibly stoned. Oracular Spectacular is their first album, and it really is a great debut.


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