Versus #3: Get Him to the Greek

Posted by Nick in Uncategorized on August 4th, 2010.

This time we dig into the new comedy Get Him to the Greek. A new Judd Appatow production… should be a lot of fun, right?


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Versus #2: Shrek Forever After

Posted by Nick in Movies, Reviews on July 30th, 2010.

It’s Shrek time. Kilian and I will take a look at the latest Shrek installment.


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Versus #1: Toy Story 3

Posted by Nick in Movies, Reviews on July 15th, 2010.

A new feauture on Internetspotter! Kilian and I discuss the latest movies in a conversation style format. We watch new stuff on a regular basis in the theaters, so new episodes should come out pretty regulary. A lot of times we seem te disagree about movies, though sometimes we’re on the same page. We kick off with Toy Story 3.


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Kubuntu Lucid Lynx after upgrade gfx driver problems

Posted by Flo in Tricks on May 12th, 2010.
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After upgrading to the new Kubuntu version: Lucid Lynx, the graphics drivers on my computer stopped functioning. Any attempt to reïnstall them failed because they seemed to be already intstalled. After a quick search, more people seem to be affected by this. The only work-around I found resulted in working open source drivers (for ATI: fglrx), but not in working commercial drivers. Though, after an hour of trial and error problem solving I seem to have everything working again. Here’s a short guide for people who didn’t find the solution yet.


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Free Usenet Binary Servers with IPv6

Posted by Flo in File sharing on October 24th, 2009.
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Usenet is probably the best source for your daily downloading needs, but a big problem is finding the right servers, that is, if you don’t want to pay for it. The reality is that there aren’t free usenet binary servers, simply because it would cost too much to maintain them. However, with the sudden need to make the IPv6 system more popular, there are a few free binary servers open for public, but you’ll need to enable IPv6 on your computer to use them. In this guide I will give the easiest setup how to do this using SABnzbd+. If it’s not working for you, I also have a few IPv4 binary servers for you, maybe they’ll work.


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Internetspotter back in action

Posted by Flo in Site news on October 19th, 2009.
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After a big wordpress problem, internetspotter is back alive.


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Time Wasters of the Month September 2009

Posted by Flo in Offbeat on September 25th, 2009.
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Your monthly compilation of time wasting is back, this month with some puzzle games. Brain training seems to be important, so try them out.


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Time Wasters of the Month August 2009

Posted by Flo in Offbeat on August 4th, 2009.
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Big chance your vacation is nearly over, so it may be your last chance to play games, liek, no life! If you have run out of ideas, here are some new ones, enjoy!


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Time Wasters of the Month July 2009

Posted by Flo in Offbeat on July 24th, 2009.
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It’s still getting hotter, too hot to actually work… So it’s an ideal moment to waste some time playing games. Well, if you’ve got a laptop and you can sit outside. Enjoy this month’s Time Wasters.


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Time Wasters of the Month June 2009

Posted by Flo in Offbeat on June 22nd, 2009.
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Well, it’s finally here, the new Time Waters. I forgot to post one at the beginning of the month, so it’s a bit late… But oh well, this month’s are interesting as ever, so check them out!


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