Internetspotter back in action

Posted by Flo in Site news on October 19th, 2009.
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After a big wordpress problem, internetspotter is back alive.

As some people might have noticed, at least I did, Internetspotter wasn’t available for a few weeks. This was because of a plugin, wordpress backup that killed the website. This resulted in a wordpress blank screen of death, and I really thought internetspotter would be done for, because I tried a lot of things to repair it, but they all didn’t work.

After a lot of days thinking, the solution was nearly as simple as the problem: delete the files of this filthy plugin in your plugin folder. No messing with you .htaccess file, no checking for blank lines in your config script, just deleting the problem.

Nevertheless, the blog is up and running again, and if everything is working as before, there should be a new post about free usenet servers coming online in a while. Next to that, I’ve learned a very valuable lesson: first think, then ask Google, and yes, the first step is pretty important and can save you a lot of time. (There also may be a second lesson: plugins can kill.)

Enjoy the upcoming posts!

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