After every large Kubuntu upgrade my computer seems to get problems, probably because the hardware is quite old. When upgrading to Kubuntu 9.04, Jaunty Jackalope, I got yet another graphics related problem leading to a white screen after logging into kubuntu. It did take me some time to find the best solution, so here it is, I hope you’ll find it faster than I did.
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Solving white screen after upgrading to KDE4
Posted by Flo in Tricks on May 7th, 2009.May
Tags: guide, Kubuntu, Linux, Tricks
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Gaming without discs
Posted by Flo in Tech, Tricks on May 1st, 2008.May
Tags: burning, guide, iso, Tricks
Sick of always searching for your gamediscs? Or do you want to play games on your laptop somewhere else without taking your whole collection with you? If you have sufficient harddisc space, these troubles are over. By making iso files of your gamediscs, and using the right applications, you will never have to use your discs again. And the great thing about this trick, is that you won’t need to alter your game files, so you won’t have trouble patching!
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